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Hi :)
Robinson Tryon has done tons of work for LibreOffice and is just asking for
a couple of slides to help his presentation look better.

Does anyone have or know of anything that might help him?  Please contact
him directly if you have as i'm not sure if he is on this mailing list
Thanks and regards from
Tom :)

On 30 September 2014 23:36, Robinson Tryon <>


I'm giving a talk on Thursday, and just got an invitation to *also*
give a mini-presentation showing off some of the neat features we have
available in Impress.

Does anyone have a presentation or two that shows off some of our
advanced features? Or perhaps has a couple of cool slides or nifty
techniques that you used when making your last talk?


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald

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