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Thanks, I'll chase these down.


On 10/01/2014 07:04 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
You might find the Published Guides more useful than the Help;

Even though you probably need to get into Templates for this sort of thing
you'll probably find that it's more important to get to grips with Styles
for LibreOffice in a general way.  You can use LibreOffice without having
the slightest clue about styles but unlike with Word (where they seem to be
an encumbrance) they are hugely useful in LibreOffice.

Errr, you might find that someone has already done some templates for what
you need;
or on the OpenOffice templates site but it might be easier to just try to
re-do them yourself to
a)  learn about how to do templates and
b)  to save time from distractions while searching around
On the other hand it can't hurt to have a quick look! ;)

Regards from
Tom :)

On 1 October 2014 06:51, John R. Sowden <> wrote:

I am starting the long trek from WordStar/DOS to Libre Office/Ubuntu.  I
have many forms to create, about 6 are envelopes.  Since our Dell Laser
printer does not like to print envelopes en masse, I'm giving LO a go.

Problem is in 'help', I am directed to 'insert envelope'.  By insert, I
assume that it is creating an envelope for a document.  That is not my
intent.  The current project is a "Billing Return Envelope".  This is a 6
3/4 envelope, with three lines in the return address area, and our name
company in  Freesans 14/Bold, and the address in Freesans/12 type.

Of course I need to print in the landscape mode, as that is how the
printer will print via its feed tray. (Samsung Laser/Fax/Printer)

How do I set up this document.  Using the envelope method does not seem to
work.  I have all the dimensions.  What I did with Wordstar is to create
the image on an 8x11 page, then feed the envelope into the center with the
feed tray.  That has been working fine for about 25 years.


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