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Hi :)  
I'm not sure where else the capital of Ireland would be!  I guess other
places have been named after it though.  

The mailing list doesn't receive attachments but you can use Nabble to
upload the file to so that everyone can read it.  The mailing list is a bit
public though so please don't upload it if it's got anything confidential. 
In Nabble, just above the window where you type the message in there are a
few buttons.  The "More" one lets you upload files in much the same way that
you'd attach them to an email except it puts a bit of html code into the
message window so that people can click on it to see the file.  

I'm not sure what we are expected to find tbh.   Just that something isn't
there and that other things are?  Did she say what had 'gone missing'? 
There are too many variables here and far too much scope for this to be just
"user error" instead of anything done by the software.  

For example did she do tons of work without saving the document and close
the document without saving it and then open the file to find it was still
the way it was when she last saved it (ie empty).  Plenty of people have
done that with Excel too.  

Also if it's "an Excel spreadsheet" does that mean it was previously used in
Excel and still uses the Microsoft .xlsX format?  

I am not sure what you are supposed to do with that total absence of
information from them.  Let them buy MS Office if they are really that
useless.  Then they are less likely to blame the software next time the same
thing happens again.  
Regards and commiserations from 
Tom :)  

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