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Hi :)
Thanks to all who have joined already or are in the process of joining!

A few more would be great.  Most chapters now have 1 person to review or
proof-read but there are still a few chapters left, especially with the
Base Handbook.

This wiki can give an idea of what's involved;

Generally the work is broken down so that people only work on 1 chapter at
a time.  Each guide has usually had just 1 author working through 1 chapter
after another to add the newer functionality or planned changes but with
reviewing or proof-reading it's easier to break-out into a wider group so
that different people work on different chapters.

Anyway!  Many thanks to all who have joined over the past couple of days!
Many thanks and regards from
Tom :))

On 17 September 2014 09:42, Sophie <> wrote:

Hi Peter,
Le 17/09/2014 05:05, Peter Goggin a écrit :
I have had a number of years experience in data base design and user
documentation, mainly on Oracle installations, but also on MS Access. I
have also been involved in programming NMC and documenting the process
of setting up programs for non computer people. I have been working with
computers since 1958 and have had to document a number of different
applications. I have also written about 30 scientific research papers.

If you think I can contribute please let me know.
Thanks a lot for your proposal to help. Please join the documentation
list, we will welcome you there and give you some indications on how to
begin. You will find how to join the list following this link

Kind regards

Sophie Gautier
Co-founder - Release coordinator
Certification Committee Member
The Document Foundation

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