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also sprach Tom Davies <> [2014-09-19 13:56 +0200]:
Create (perhaps by inserting a new row 3 temporarily?)

B3 = '=B2'
C3 = '=C2'
D3 = '=D2'
E3 = '=E2'
etc and then select all them, copy and transpose 'into' A2 and onwards.

Does that not work?
No. :(

If I take that temporary row 3 and paste it into the four fields in
the destination column G1:G4, then the references get "rotated" too.

I.e. the result will be:

G1 = '=F1'
G2 = '=F2'
G3 = '=F3'
G4 = '=F4'

This is because row three in the above always references the cell
above, and after transposing with paste-special, the resulting cells
are modified to reference the respective cell to the left.

If I change B3:E3 to '=B$2':'=E$3', I get an error 522 in the
result, because the cells are now all '=G$2', which is
a self-reference.

If I change B3:E3 to '=$B2':'=$E2', I get the following weird

G1 = '=$B#REF!'
G2 = '=C1'
G3 = '=D2'
G4 = '=E3'

But if I change B3:E3 to all absolute references, then it works.
Super! Thank you for that hint. It's a hack, but it works.

@martinkrafft | |
"der glaube an den kausalnexus ist der aberglaube"
                                                       -- wittgenstein

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