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At 06:57 15/09/2014 +0200, Daniel wrote:
Is there a reason why when I justify some texts, automatically there are big spaces between words?

Well, only the obvious one that the first word on the next line is too long to fit on the problem line. Without justification, this would lead to a large space at the end of the line; with justification, you will of course see larger spaces than on other lines. The problem will show up more with large font sizes or in narrow measures - or, indeed, in languages with longer words!

You can avoid this by choosing to hyphenate the first word on the subsequent line. You can do this in various ways:

o You can set automatic hyphenation on the Text Flow tab of either the paragraph or paragraph style dialogue. You may need to tinker with settings at Tools | Options... | Language Settings | Writing Aids for this to work as you wish.

o You can adjust any rogue lines by hyphenating specific words manually. With the cursor at your chosen break, go to Insert | Formatting Mark > | Optional hyphen (or use Ctrl+Hyphen).

o You can apply the previous effect automatically by selecting any regions of text and using Tools | Language > | Hyphenation... . Unlike the first technique, this inserts optional hyphens, which you can remove piecemeal if you wish.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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