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Hi :)
If it's not hugely heavy and doesn't have confidential stuff such as names
and addresses or super-secret financial info then how about just uploading
it to Nabble and let us have a look?

It sounds to me like there is a circular reference buried somewhere in the
sheet but somehow you are managing to keep on dodging it
Regards from
Tom :)

On 10 September 2014 17:59, david_lynch <>

I have a quite complex spreadsheet. About half the time, when I change a
cell, I get several hundred "Err: 522" cells. This will happen even when
the cell I change is referenced by no other cell.

I can get rid of all the Err:522 entries by CNTL:SHIFT:F9 or by double
clicking on the column heading boundary of any affected column.  All is
then fine for a little while.

Is this a bug? Or is there something wrong with my spreadsheet?

David Lynch on windows 8.1

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