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On 09/10/2014 08:21 AM, Sophie wrote:
Hi Joel,
Le 10/09/2014 17:01, Joel Madero a écrit :

There is one example file. Go to the very end, push enter a couple
times, and then set the style to Heading 3. If you look at the actual
style it's supposed to be bolded but it retains non bold from the
previous line when you start typing.
It's strange because if you insert a Title3 before the last paragraph,
it's bold. It's only if you add it at the very end that it's corrupted.
You found a bug I guess ;)
\O/ Sweet! One point for me :-D That being said, it's actually not just
the end - that's just one of the obvious ways to trigger the issue. I'd
have to play around with the document to find another consistent place
where it happens. I shall report the bug, quite minor I suppose since
you can always just select and bold the text - just styles should be
consistent all the time (as this is their entire point). Thanks Sophie
for confirmation that I'm not going crazy.


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