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After changing the structure of a MySQL-table (deleting ONE column and inserting another column) I cannot access the table anymore through LO-Base. LO-Base still keeps looking
for the old column.

Since everything works just fine when using the mysql-client (Linux.Mint) through the command-line, I assume that the problem might have to do with some kind of cache that persists across LO-restart and/or system boot. If this is so - can anybody tell me where
such a cache might be stored under LO 4.2.5 or LO 4.3.1?

On the other hand, this only happens when using the JDBC-Connector. However, I HAVE to use this connector since the "wait_timeout" global value specification on the server is too low for "decent" work in my case and I cannot increase this value. The native MySQL-connector works fine, except that it doesn't have the possibility to specify an "auto-reconnect" parameter in the connection, so, again I cannot use it. In MY case one solution would be to have such a parameter also in the native connector case...
Thanks a lot for any ideas

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