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I have some cells that contain data like: (IBM) Ibm corporation.

I need to extract the stock symbol ie IBM. I thought I could use regex to get (IBM) and then strip the parens. So far I have been uable to do so. Usually I can search and find examples of code I can study and modify to suit my needs, but regex examples for calc seem to be few and far between.
I wonder if someone could point me to some good calc regex examples or 
take a look at the test code below that I have been experimenting with 
and tell me what I am doing wrong.
Sub getMktValue()
  'Main sub
  Dim oDoc as Object
  Dim oSheet as Object
  Dim oCalcCtrl as Object
  Dim oCell as Object
  Dim oCursor as Object
  Dim oRange as Object
  Dim myRegex as Object
  Dim found as Object
  Dim cellLoc as Object

  oDoc = ThisComponent
  'oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName("Income")
  oSheet = oDoc.Sheets.getByName("Income")
  oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName("Stocks")
  numRows = oRange.Rows.getCount()

  'regex test code
  cellLoc = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0, 1)
  stk = cellLoc.String()
  myRegex =cellLoc.createSearchDescriptor()
  myRegex.SearchString = "\([A-Z]\)"
  myRegex.SearchRegularExpression = True
  found = cellLoc.findFirst(myRegex)

  'MsgBox found

End Sub

This code as is runs with out error, but if I uncomment MsgBox found I get a "object variable not set" error.
Thanks,  Jim

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