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Hi :)
I think it's reasonable to expect it to take at least a week.  There are
not a huge number of people doing the job and those that are may have other

It would be good to see more people join the team and maybe learn how to do
this = even though it might slow this one down it might help with future
releases.  I suspect that it would be a really good "way in" and possibly
might be able to be done by someone with fairly low skill-level as a way of
feeling their way in further.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 2 August 2014 11:25, Lera Goncharuk <> wrote:

The setup from PPA is deemed more important in Ubuntu user community than
setup from *.deb files. A lot of people have already gotten used to setup
LibreOffice from PPA .
But release 4.3 is not available over there up to now. This brings up the
question: Will new release be uploaded? And, when it can be expected?
As far as I know, Rico Tzschichholz is moderator of the PPA in
Thank you.

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