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Hi Tom,

Le 16/07/2014 00:57, Tom Davies a écrit :
Hi :)
Surely just go back to the last back-up or find a copy in emails or on
a usb-stick.  Any chance of it being in a temp folder or auto-backup
or something? 

It is corrupt in all of the places where a "backup/autorecovery" should be.

Re-read my message and you will see that I was working from a USB
external hard disk. There is currently no way to get a real-time system
automatic backup with rollback to an external media that works
seamlessly on 3 different OSes (TimeMachine on OSX, Windows autosystem
checkpoint/restore, Linux ????)

Btw do all the different machines you use run the same version of MS
Office as each other? 

 Even with different versions of Office, I've never had complete garbage
written to an office file. How does your question relate to the problem
exactly ?


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