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I wanted to applaud you for a well done bug report. Spent some time looking at this so that when the QA team looks at this someone will have already tested. More thoughts at the bottom.
On 07/10/2014 11:30 AM, Kartik Subbarao wrote:
I seem to be running into a bug with Libreoffice intermittently displaying the wrong Chapter Title field in the header. I've reported this as bug 81012 in bugzilla:

In the meantime, I wanted to ask if people had any suggestions for workarounds. Here's the problem:
I have a Page Style that uses the Chapter Title in the right page 
header. In this document, I've created a section to contain each 
chapter, with endnotes appearing at the end of the section. This works 
fine for the most part, up through the first page of endnotes in a 
chapter. After that though, the title of the *first* chapter is 
displayed instead of the title of the *current* chapter (see the 
rh.odt and rh.pdf files in the bug report to see exactly what I'm 
This poses a problem for me since my actual document is a 300+ page 
book with lots of chapters, and some chapters have several pages of 
endnotes that end up being wrongly formatted.
I'm seeing this bug in, and it appears that the bug goes at 
least as far back as (That was the earliest version that I 
was able to download and test from the 
Current workarounds I'm thinking about:

1) Edit the PDF file directly to fix the chapter titles before printing the book (Somewhat cumbersome and perhaps time-consuming to figure out how to do properly) 2) Create several copies of the .odt file, hardcoding the Chapter Title in the header (the first file would be hardcoded to the first chapter, the second file hardcoded to the second chapter and so on), use --headless and --convert-to pdf to convert each of those files to PDF, and then cut+paste the appropriate chapters from each of those PDF files into a final PDF file that has all of the headers correct. (Tedious but probably workable, assuming that all of the automated tools work the way they should).
Any other thoughts/ideas would be welcome.



You are using end notes, so, why not use a page break and use a specific page style for your end notes with a particular field rather than simply setting it to whatever the last chapter happened to be.
Andrew Pitonyak
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