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At 12:06 09/07/2014 +0200, Ian Whitfield wrote:
On 07/09/2014 11:28 AM, Brian Barker wrote:
Yes: there is the IF() function: is that a close enough equivalent? Just put
=IF(condition;expression-for-true;expression-for-false) .
Your expression for false may well be consecutive double-quote marks, representing the null string.
I have managed to get rid of the 'DIV 0' problem but still have a 
problem with a decreasing total.
My DEC TOTAL formula is 'Current Cell minus the Cell above' and this 
echoes the last result down the whole Spreadsheet. Is there a way 
round this as well?'
Yes - but you don't say what the controlling factor might be. There 
must be some aspect of the list that indicates the point at which you 
want the totals to stop. Instead of using
you need something like
with "condition" being something like A100>0 or A100<>"" - referring to whichever column shows how far you want your values to be calculated.
Brian Barker 

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