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Brian Barker has written on 7/4/2014 1:55 PM:
At 13:22 04/07/2014 -0400, Pikov Andropov wrote:
I created a 2 x 2 table in an LO doc. In the upper left cell, I 
created an 8 x 14 table and filled in all its headings, etc. I 
thought that if I then selected that table and Edit > copy, I could 
Edit > Paste it into another cell. BUT, only one line gets pasted. 
Does that mean I have to create the table manually in each of the other cells?

No. If you select the inner table, you effectively select all its 
contents, and when you paste that into a table cell, the contents of 
those cells are - as far as possible - distributed between existing 
cells of that table. This is not what you want, of course.

Instead, you need to select not the inner table but the cell of the 
outer table containing it. I think that in order to do this you need 
to have something - even just an empty paragraph - outside the inner 
table and before it. Then you can select the cell of the outer table 
either by dragging the cursor, or using Edit | Select All (or 
Ctrl+A), or using Table | Select > | Cells. Once you have this 
selection, you can copy it and paste it with the effect you desire.

If you have nothing before the inner table, you can add something in 
order to effect the copy and remove it afterwards, of course. You 
cannot add an empty paragraph simply by pressing Enter, as you cannot 
position the cursor where it would need to be to achieve this. 
Instead, put the cursor at the very beginning of the first cell of 
the inner table and press Alt+Enter.

I trust this helps.

Indeed it does!! Thanks so much!

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