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Hi Brian,

I implemented the next workaround-

Set the default formatting of the column to 0,000
Create conditional formatting to be 0,00 with the following formula: MOD(C2;0,01)=0

This is doing the job!



Op 1 jul. 2014, om 18:37 heeft Brian Barker het volgende geschreven:

At 23:16 30/06/2014 +0200, Rob Jasper wrote:
Indeed when I look at the formatting after saving and reopening the file, the formatting changed 
from #0,00# to #0,000 .

All predefined number formats are saved, and restored upon reopening. If I define a user-defined 
format, it is all of a sudden not saved...
No, that's not true: it's just this particular - and rather unusual - format with a hash after 
the zeroes (rather than before) that evidently cannot be saved. Note that such formats are 
apparently *never* saved as such in ODF files - just a description in a different form that 
indicates the same format, but which is not capable of describing the unusual format that you 
have chosen.

Also, if I save in MS .xlsx format it comes up fine in both MS-Excel (Excel for Mac 2011, 
V14.0.0 (100825)). If I open that file with LO it has also my defined formatting still available.
I'm guessing, then, that the actual format character sequence is saved in that file format.

Regardless what the technical cause is for this, it is at least user unfriendly?

Questions to be asked:
- What use has a user defined number format, if it can't be saved?
Come, come: user-defined formats generally *can* be saved, just not all of them - and apparently 
not your rather unusual one. Perhaps the designers of Star Office / OpenOffice / LibreOffice 
based the format code on Microsoft's, knowing that it could saved in Microsoft's document 
formats? Could it perhaps be saved in the old Star Office .sxc format?

- If this is indeed a restriction in the ODF definition, why is LO not warning like "The defined 
format can not be saved in the desired file format"?

- Why does LO consider the format change a change in the first place? (If I open the file, 
change the format as I like it, it is considered changed, while the file stays exactly the same)
Any change is a change, including a format change. You wouldn't change the format if you didn't 
want that to change something. This situation is rather as if you replaced some character in a 
document with an identical character: the document is still considered changed. Indeed, there may 
be unobvious ways in which it actually will be.

- Should we consider this as a flaw in the ODF definitions?
That's a value judgement for you to make. It's certainly something that can be handled in Calc 
but apparently not saved in an ODF document.

Where can we complain about this?
Either to OASIS (if you want the ODF format modified to allow this) or to the LibreOffice bug 
reporting system (if you want your original format not to work even at first, or if you want a 
warning that it cannot be saved in ODF documents).

Brian Barker  

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