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Hi :)
Please post a bug-report about it

It's not as difficult as it sounds.  Most of the advice in that link can be
ignored in your initial report because you can add comments later on.
There are also people on the QA team who can help you work out how to get
some of the information the wiki asks for and then that information can be
added as additional comments.

Basically just;
1. register at the bug-tracking website.
2.  login.
3.  Post something that looks a LOT like an email.

If you can it's nice (but not vital) to;
4.  use the wiki's advice, or other way, of searching through existing
bug-reports to see if someone else has already posted something similar.
5.  play around with the drop-downs until you figure out how to mark it
correctly = or just add a comment to explain

Anyone wanting to get more involved in LO could be a HUGE help if they
could do step4 for a few new bug-reports.  It's pure office-work and takes
absolutely NO coding skills at all!  If you don't understand a particular
bug-report and don't feel able to judge if others are similar then skip it
and move onto the next bug-report.  Each of us finds different things easy
and getting through the ones you find easy frees others to do what they
find easy and frees the devs to do more coding and less office stuff.

Another good way of helping is to do what i said before step1.  People
don't always find it easy to follow instructions, however easy they are,
and it's not always clear if certain information or logs would help or
not.  This might be something that you can help with, in some cases, and
again that frees up other people so they can spend their time on more
challenging cases.

If you do start with either of those you might well find it easy right from
the start or you might find it a struggle that suddenly becomes easier.
Either way you will quickly find yourself learning quite a lot quite
quickly without even really realising.  Then you'll be the ones helping new
QA people to get through the basics or you'll be moving onto the bigger
challenges, or a bit of both.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 24 June 2014 10:28, gmail <> wrote:

I do not think it is new in writer. I hope it will be fixed.

C. Bosch

On 23-06-14 14:12, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Sorry for the delay!

Please post a 'bug-report'
but use the drop-downs to mark it as a "feature request" or "enhancement

If the Effects thing is new in Writer it might already be "on the way"
the other modules but posting a feature-request report gives the devs a
neat tick-list to tick off when they have done it or gives them a nudge
they have already moved on to other things
Regards from
Tom :)

On 21 June 2014 16:58, anne-ology <> wrote:

       Eventually someone else might respond to you.

       Meanwhile, remember to not get stuck in nomenclature & semantics

            before starting work in any of the LO programs, check the
options/properties/... to set the font, etc. the way you desire;
                 every computer - every computer program seems to have a
different name to use for these -
                     [who knows why - maybe it's to confuse us  ;-) ]

From: gmail <>
Date: Sat, Jun 21, 2014 at 4:57 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] The Effect menu is missing in serveral
LibreOffice programs
To: anne-ology <>

I do not understand. Could you explain? Because the Effect menu is

C. Bosch

On 21-06-14 03:27, anne-ology wrote:

        In each, you can set these -
            check options.

From: gmail <>
Date: Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 5:42 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-users] The Effect menu is missing in serveral
LibreOffice programs


In the program Text Document (Writer) of LibreOffice there is a very
feature "Effects" (see below in *bold*)

On the Menu bar in Text Document

Klick Format ?
Klick Character ?
Klick Font effects ?

Than look left
- Font color

- *Effects :*





    *Small capitals*

- Relief

In _all_ the other programs of LibreOffice : Spreadsheet, Presentation,
Drawing, Databse and Formula this feature "Effects" is missing.

Look for instance on the menu bars of Spreadsheet, Presentation,
Databse and Formula:

Klick Format ?

Klick Character ?

Klick Font effects ?

Than look left

- Font color*

? *"*Effects" is missing !*

- Relief

My request is: could you also add/implement the "Effects" feature to
_all_ the other programs of LibreOffice (Spreadsheet, Presentation,
Drawing, Databse and Formula) so I can interchange (e.g. text written in
small capitals) from one program to the other.

I even noticed that when you tried to change text (e.g. to small
capitalls) in a text box in the program Text Document you also can not
select the "Effects" feature. It is also missing there!

So in general could you add/implement the feature "Effects" in _all_ the
programs of LibreOffice and than everywhere were you have the option to
write/change the text (e.g. in a textbox)

C. Bosch

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