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On Fri, 20 Jun 2014, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
I think the translator changes "LO" to "SD".  "LO" = LibreOffice
ah, not 'sexual disease' then?

I thought rather something about an 'sd card'?

I'm amused at those online 'translators' which produce self-evident nonsense. I like the mistranslation of the misquote from Anacharsis.
(I looked up wikipedia's rendering which is terrible! maybe they used 
an online translator! makes sense at least though.)

When you start-up LibreOffice, if you get the "Document Recovery" pop-up
then just "Cancel".  The document should open normally even without being

Regards from
Tom :)

On 19 June 2014 16:53, anne-ology <> wrote:

       I do not know what you're now asking -
          someone else on this list, who does know, may eventually respond
to you;
              or you could try the Spanish list - this is the English list.

       I've attempted to translate your messages -
          [shown below yours]

       I've attempted to send you to a helpful site -
          but since that is in English, I now assume you couldn't
understand it -
         I'm sorry; and hope that someone will be able to answer your
questions anon.

From: Rafael Rodríguez <>
Date: Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 2:53 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] incompatibilida
To: anne-ology <>

Discúlpeme la insistencia:

*¿Alguna solución para poder usar el programa?.*

" La ley es una telaraña que detiene a las mosacas y deja pasar a los


Excuse insistence:..

Any solution to use the program stock

"The law is a web holding the mosacas and let the birds"

2014-06-18 14:06 GMT+02:00 anne-ology <>:

       I don't know what SD is?
>        To keep your machine clean, be sure to have a good, up-to-date A-V
> program ... etc.
>             [Avast! is ranked among the top]
>            clean the build up of junk with something like CCleaner;
>             [ is a good site to peruse]
> From: Rafael Rodríguez <>
> Date: Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 2:40 AM
> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] incompatibilida
> To: anne-ology <>
>   Disculpe mi ignorancia, falta de pericia informática:
> - ¿Qué es SD?.
> - ¿Que problemas puede tener la máquina?¿cómo limpiarlos?.
>    Gracias por la atención prestada.
> " La ley es una telaraña que detiene a las mosacas y deja pasar a los
> pájaros".
> *Anacarsis.*
> --
> translated:
> Excuse my ignorance, lack of computer expertise:
> - What is SD
> - What problems can have the machine how clean free
> Thanks for your attention
> "The law is a web holding the mosacas and let the birds".
> Anacarsis.
> 2014-06-18 1:46 GMT+02:00 anne-ology <>:
>        From where did you download LO?
>>            the best - and safest - site is the LO site itself.
>>        Suggestion: delete what you presently have;
>>            clean your machine of any possible problems;
>>          THEN go to the LO site - - and download the
>> correct package.
>>        Hoping this helps,
>> From: Rafael Rodríguez <>
>> Date: 2014-06-17 16:17 GMT-05:00
>> Subject: [libreoffice-users] incompatibilida
>> To:
>> Tengo instalado LIbre Office, desde anteayer no funciona, intenta
>> se cierra, aparece la ventana de un documento por recuperar, ce cierra y
>> se
>> acabó.
>>   Intento repararlo y me indica incompatibilidad.
>>   Que puedo hacer para seguir utilizándolo.
>> --
>> translated:
>> I have installed LIbreOffice from yesterday does not work, try to open,
>> is closed, the window appears to recover a document, it closed and
>> It's over.
>> Try to repair it and it indicates incompatibility.
>> What can I do to keep using it.

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Felmon Davis

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