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I'm not sure whether this question has been resolved.

I assume that your document is a questionnaire that you attach to email for distribution purposes 
and that the recipients fill out the answers and send the completed questionnaire back to you.

My (low tech) approach would look like this.

1) Select the font for a question.

2) Enter a question number, an upper case Q followed by a colon, the question, and a pair of 

3) Select the font for an answer.

4) Enter an upper case A followed by a colon, a space, and a pair of returns.

5) Repeat steps 1-4 for each additional question.


[Q Font]1. Q: What do you like best about working here?

[A Font]A: 

[Q Font]2. Q: Why did you take a job here?

[A Font]A: 

[Q Font]3. Q: …

I hope this is of some help. As others have stated, the fonts can probably be selected from 
predefined styles to simplify the process somewhat. The point is to preset the font for the answers 
so as to minimize the chance the other people will mess up the desired formatting. (See the 
statement in my signature block)

Disclaimer: I am certainly not a power user of Writer. I mostly use Calc.


You can never make anything so fool proof that a determined fool can't and won't find a way around 
your precautions!

-----Original Message-----
From: quickbooks office <>
Sent: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 6:56
Subject: [libreoffice-users] How to ensure all new text entered into a document is different font,  
without changing the old font settings of the document?

How to ensure all new text entered into a document is different font,
without changing the old font settings of the document?

That is the document has questions in it, with lets say Times New Roman.

When I type the answers in, the font remains Times New Roman.

But I want it so that all new text entered to be Segoe Print without
changing the font of the text already existing in the document (i.e.
the questions)

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