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Unfortunately, not directly.

And there is (as far as I know) no simple "viewer" that could be used for
this purpose, although it might be an interesting development challenge.

As for now, your best four options are:
- Have a portable version of LO at hand. It take some space but is not
unreasonable, and can be launched from most computer you'd have to run a
presentation on
- Export to PDF. Most systems can read PDF, and it guarantee you a (mostly)
perfect render of your presentation, with no surprise. Downsides are: no
transitions, no animations.
- Export to SWF. As a second choice after PDF, since most computer have
some way of reading SWF. Still no transition/animations
- Export as HTML (and not XHTML that doesn't seem to work for me). Still no
transition/animations, but seem to work for simple stuff (including
images), and is mostly guaranteed to work anywhere (including mobile

Out of these four options, I'll suggest the first two, as coming across a
computer that doesn't have a PDF reader is uncommon nowadays.

Cley Faye

2014-06-17 20:44 GMT+02:00 Pikov Andropov <>:

Can LO produce an executable file from a PowerPoint presentation, so
that no viewer is needed at the time the presentation is presented?


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