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At 12:23 16/06/2014 -0700, Nobody Noname wrote:
I have a PPT with tabbed data. LibreOffice 4.x not converting very well when I opened PPTX via LibreOffice.

You have a presentation document? But you seem rather confused as to whether it is in the older (.ppt) or the newer (.pptx) Microsoft Powerpoint format. This probably matters.

You haven't given very much information except to indicate your displeasure!

When documents are transferred between systems, different fonts may be used - either a different font with the same name or a substitute font. Different printers, different paper sizes, and so on can also cause changes. Different software can lead to larger differences. When you use tabs in any document, you should always set the tabs you require explicitly. Most software sets up regularly spaced default tab stops, and it is tempting to use those. If you do, you will often need to enter more than one tab character to space to the alignment you need, and this is a recipe for causing alignment problems: small changes can easily leave some items at the wrong default tab stop.

If you rely on default tab stops in Microsoft Powerpoint, what happens when you open the document in LibreOffice? It may be that Powerpoint's default tab stops are carried across to LibreOffice Impress as explicit tab stops, or perhaps LibreOffice's default tab stops are used instead - with quite different effect, of course. It may be that the first happens with .ppt but the second with .pptx.

Possible solutions:
o Try saving as .ppt instead of .pptx.
o In any case, pay attention to careful document design in the first place.

But this is all guesswork, of course.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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