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Brian Barker has written on 6/12/2014 4:25 AM:
At 03:40 12/06/2014 -0400, Pikov Andropov wrote:
I'm trying to set up 3x5 grid in a document. Each element of the 
grid is a table.

I'm hoping that by "grid" you also mean "table".

I succeeded in creating the grid and the first table. Now I would 
like to copy that table into each position of the rest of the grid. 
[...] I do not get what I want. What is the correct procedure for doing this?

I think the problem occurs only if you have nothing before the nested 
table in the outer table cell. Here's a workaround:
o Put something before your nested table in the outer table cell: an 
empty paragraph will do. If you have already created your nested 
table, you can do this by putting the cursor at the beginning of its 
top left cell and pressing Alt+Enter.
o Copy the whole cell of the outer table, including the nested table 
- not just the nested table itself. You can do this by dragging 
across the cell, using Table | Select > | Cells, using Edit | Select 
All, or pressing Ctrl+A (with the cursor inside the cell but outside 
the nested table).
o Copy and paste as necessary.
o Delete the extraneous empty paragraphs.

Thanks, Brian. That did the trick.

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