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Hi :)
That might be a better route!

The database route might be better if the wide-eyed-end-users were going to
enter the data directly onto a computer such as a hand-held device or
tablet or something.  Sadly LIbreOffice does not yet work on hand-held
devices but AndrOO does but i'm not sure if the Base component is included.
 So the weeus might have to use a desktop machine for it.

I didn't quite follow Brian's instructions but that might be because i've
got a fever and only read it hastily.  Writer does sound like a good module
to use.  I'm guessing that each module would have different advantages.

I had a quick stab at doing this in Calc but just on a single worksheet to
try to take advantage of the auto-increment feature but it didn't work well
when there was a gap between the dates.  Using multiple sheets didn't seem
likely to work either.

I also had a quick go at creating a copy of the file, renaming the
file-ending to zip and then editing the "contents.xml".  It kinda worked
with minimal info on each page but i could imagine it become hideously
turgid with even a little more information on the pages.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 10 June 2014 06:34, Brian Barker <> wrote:

At 23:24 09/06/2014 +0100, Philip Ward wrote:

basically what i'm after is... A cleaning/HSE Check sheet, that gets
printed out, and the staff fill it out, ie tick the boxes, say what's gone
of in that day etc. i have laid out a sheet, over 2 pages, and the only
thing that i want to basically do is print out 365 (or obviously a leap
year 366) page document, and automatically add a new date to the printed
sheet for that.

So you want a 365-page document with identical text on each page except
that each page has somewhere on it a sequential date?

 i didn't want to copy and paste the same thing 365 times, for 4 or 5
times, as there are different parts of the business, ie Cafe/Bar/Icecream
kiosk etc, which all need their individual style/setup.

You wouldn't in any case have to do that.
o Create Sheet 1 with the first date.
o Create Sheet 2 calculating its date from Sheet1.
o Copy Sheet 2 to a new third sheet.
o Select sheets 2 and 3 and copy them to the end position. You now have
five sheets.
o Select sheets 2 to 5 and copy them to the end position. You now have
nine sheets.
o Repeat this copying process a further six times. You now have 513 sheets
- more than a year's worth; delete the excess.

 i was looking for a quick way to copy the sheet, add a new sheet, paste
it, then do the same thing over and over again. On the second sheet i know
i can make a date = Previous sheet/Cell and +1 to it, and this would be the
one that's copied all the rest of the year, but that's about where my
knowledge on libre finishes (having brought most of what i knew from
excel), ...

Since what you want on each page is presumably text, perhaps set in boxes
and so on, surely the whole project is better done in a text (Writer)
document - where you can easily create documents of 366 pages. Writer
tables are very flexible and will enable you to set out the text as you

But how to create your varying date? Well, Writer provides "variables" to
help you. I'm no expert in these, but I've just learned enough in perhaps
fifteen minutes to be able to create a 365-page document with identical
dummy text on each page but also including text running from "1 Jan 2014"
to "31 Dec 2014".

o With the cursor at the beginning of the first page, go to Insert |
Fields > | Other... | Variables. Choose "Set variable", and give your
variable a name ("vdate"?) and an appropriate value. I wanted to start at
31 Dec 2013, but I couldn't see how to enter this directly as a date. With
the help of Calc, I quickly found the value I needed was 41639. Tick
Invisible and click Insert.

o With the cursor where you want your date to appear, repeat the above,
again choosing "Set variable", selecting your variable name, but then
inserting the appropriate expression - vdate+1 - in the Value box. Before
clicking Insert, select an appropriate format (date formats are hidden
behind "Additional formats...") and ensure Invisible is *not* ticked. You
now see your first date: 1 Jan 2014.

o Copy the material to a second page, carefully avoiding copying the
invisible starting value. The copied date magically becomes 2 Jan 2014.

o Copy pages repeatedly as for the spreadsheet case, always omitting the
first page, so as again to avoid the invisible starting value. After a
total of ten copying actions you will have 513 separately dated pages -
nearly seventeen months' worth. Delete the excess.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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