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On Sun, 01 Jun 2014 01:11:36 +0100
Brian Barker <> wrote:

At 17:34 31/05/2014 -0600, Oogie McGuire wrote:
I'm tearing my hair out here.


I have a spreadsheet and the data was originally entered as 4 
digits. I need to pass it to a database system that requires 6 
digits. I've tried formatting with 2 leading zeros but I still 
cannot get the number to properly show up as 00<number>. Any ideas?

Yes. If the values you have are numbers, then formatting them (as 
something like "000000") should display them as you need. Whether you 
get six digits into your database depends on exactly how you then 
transfer the values.

But you say this doesn't work. The most likely explanation is that 
the values stored in the cells are not numbers but text strings - 
albeit made up of four numeric characters. Changing the formatting of 
such cells after the event will not change text values into numbers. 
(You generally wouldn't want it to.)

How to proceed? Take your pick:

o In a new column, enter =VALUE(Xn) and fill it down the column. You 
will now have numbers and can format them as you wish. You could even 
copy them back over the original values, using Paste Special... and 
pasting Numbers but not Formulas.

o In a new column, enter ="00"&Xn and fill it down the column. You 
will now have six-character text values. Again, you could copy these 
back over the original values, using Paste Special... and pasting 
Text but not Formulas.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

Just change the properties to 'Text'.  It'll preserve the format and
you can still do math functions using the cell.

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