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Hi all

I have a requirement to generate PDF's from specific set sheets contained in one Calc document, the 
document has 85 individual sheets. 

I've generated a macro to do this, having first recorded the steps using the macro recorder. Though 
the steps to record the macro worked perfectly as only the individual selection, i.e, all the cells 
on a specific sheet, was generated as a PDF. If I then run the macro with the same selection it 
always creates a PDF of  the entire document - all 85 sheets instead of just the selection!

Here's the recorded macro, note the selection "$A$1:$G$35" 

sub exporttopdf
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem define variables
dim document   as object
dim dispatcher as object

rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem get access to the document
document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("")

rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dim args1(0) as new
args1(0).Name = "ToPoint"
args1(0).Value = "$A$1:$G$35"

dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, args1())

rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dim args2(2) as new
args2(0).Name = "URL"
args2(0).Value = "file:///home/alex/example.pdf"
args2(1).Name = "FilterName"
args2(1).Value = "calc_pdf_Export"
args2(2).Name = "FilterData"
args2(2).Value = Array( _
Array("UseLosslessCompression",0,false,, _
Array("Quality",0,90,, _
Array("ReduceImageResolution",0,false,, _
Array("MaxImageResolution",0,300,, _
Array("UseTaggedPDF",0,false,, _
Array("SelectPdfVersion",0,0,, _
Array("ExportNotes",0,false,, _
Array("ViewPDFAfterExport",0,false,, _
Array("ExportBookmarks",0,true,, _
Array("OpenBookmarkLevels",0,-1,, _
Array("UseTransitionEffects",0,true,, _
Array("IsSkipEmptyPages",0,true,, _
Array("IsAddStream",0,false,, _
Array("FormsType",0,0,, _
Array("ExportFormFields",0,true,, _
Array("AllowDuplicateFieldNames",0,false,, _
Array("HideViewerToolbar",0,false,, _
Array("HideViewerMenubar",0,false,, _
Array("HideViewerWindowControls",0,false,, _
Array("ResizeWindowToInitialPage",0,false,, _
Array("CenterWindow",0,false,, _
Array("OpenInFullScreenMode",0,false,, _
Array("DisplayPDFDocumentTitle",0,true,, _
Array("InitialView",0,0,, _
Array("Magnification",0,0,, _
Array("Zoom",0,100,, _
Array("PageLayout",0,0,, _
Array("FirstPageOnLeft",0,false,, _
Array("InitialPage",0,1,, _
Array("Printing",0,2,, _
Array("Changes",0,4,, _
Array("EnableCopyingOfContent",0,true,, _
Array("ExportLinksRelativeFsys",0,false,, _
Array("PDFViewSelection",0,0,, _
Array("ConvertOOoTargetToPDFTarget",0,false,, _
Array("ExportBookmarksToPDFDestination",0,false,, _
Array("SignPDF",0,false,, _
Array("_OkButtonString",0,"",, _
Array("Watermark",0,"",, _
Array("EncryptFile",0,false,, _
Array("PreparedPasswords",0,,, _
Array("RestrictPermissions",0,false,, _
Array("PreparedPermissionPassword",0,Array(),, _
Array("Selection",,,, _
Array("SignatureLocation",0,"",, _
Array("SignatureReason",0,"",, _
Array("SignatureContactInfo",0,"",, _
Array("SignaturePassword",0,"",, _

dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:ExportToPDF", "", 0, args2())

end sub

Clearly the recorded macro has failed to record correctly, I do know that this can happen from time 
to time, and that I should tweak something in the above array, but don't not what and am finding it 
difficult to track down where these parameters are described in the documentation. Can anyone point 
me to where these parameters are described?

I've managed to derive a workaround for this which is to hide all the sheets that I'm not 
interested in then executing this block of code. It's a bit cumbersome as I have to hide 84 sheets 
just to create a PDF of one sheet. 

Whilst writing this note I've thought of another method that is to print the active sheet to a pdf 
file. I'm busily reading Andrew Pitonyak’s book Macros Explained. Again I need to find the methods and properties associated with 
printin Calc sheets. Again can anyone point me in the right direction?

Could this be a question for the Developer's list?



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