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libreoffice on linux opensuse 13.1 kde 4.11.5
if I have a table with 4 column how can I get for example the first column width of 2cm the second and third of 3cm and the fourth of 4cm?? giving numbers not with mouse??
I tried:
rightclick > table... >tab table and i tried both selecting automatic and left alignement rightclick > table... >tab columns inserting values in the column width spaces but writer also don't honour this becouse I suspect it maintain the global lenght of table I also selected "adjust column proportionally" but nothing change, and also selecting "adjust column proportionally" "adapt table width" is automatically selected I insert values in column width but writer doesnt obey to this becouse change the other
and also, how can I add a column without stretching the other??
if I select a column of 1cm width and rightclick >colunn>insert choosing 1 column after writer add a column but strech the other conserving the global table width, I would like to ADD a column without touching the others column width
ciao :-) manythanks :-) pier

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