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On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 20:05:39 PM +0200, Marco Fioretti wrote:

I have the problem below with LO on a Fedora box.

I have a shell script that generates and save to a text file called synthesis.csv many lines like 

|||2013-02-15|Payment A|-100.25|008|fae|
|||2013-03-15|Payment B|-50.25|008|fae|
I had a flash (some would call it a desperate shoot in the dark...),
and modified the script to enclose in double quotes the numbers above:

|||2013-02-15|Payment A|"-100.25"|008|fae|
|||2013-03-15|Payment B|"-50.25"|008|fae|
now everything works as expected. When I open the CSV file with calc,
I can just write in another cell, WITHOUT any manual cell reformatting,


and I get -150.50 displayed in that cell. Yay!

Now, if someone could explain **why** this works, or even better: why
this was necessary on my system, but not for other people who wrote to
me privately to help debugging the problem, it would be even better...


M. Fioretti         

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