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Hi :)
I'm not sure if that is defective behaviour.  There was no real change
to the document itself so to my way of thinking i wouldn't want the
changes to be fixed.  The save button is greyed out quite legitimately

Also if i make changes to a document and realise i didn't want to fix
those changes into the document then i also wouldn't save, in much the
same way.  Whenever i do want to save changes i save the document, or
as a template.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 31 March 2014 15:14, anne-ology <> wrote:
       Dale, your copy of LO may be defective  ;-)

From: Dale Erwin <>
Date: Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 11:55 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Modifying Styles
To: LibreOffice Users <>

I was beginning to think I was going crazy.  I tried to modify 2 page
styles in three different documents so that I could copy from one to the
other without destroying the format.  After several attempts, I was still
getting a different format when I copied from one file to another.  It
turns out that if you don't save the document, the changes to the style are
also not saved.

The odd part of this is that it is possible to close the file with no
prompt for saving changes.  Now if I make a change to the text of a
document, then try to close the file, I will get a prompt to either save or
discard my changes, but I got no such prompt after changing styles with no
change to the text.  Even more odd is that the "save" option is greyed out
(inactive) unless a change has been made and it is not greyed out after
changing a style even without changing text.

Dale Erwin

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