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       yes, I so agree.

       And for that reason, I ceased using PPs for videos and found an
absolutely delightful gem of a program -
            VideoPad Video Editor - through Gizmo's [ ]

From: Dave Liesse <>
Date: Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users]

Probably the second most critical compatibility issue is that Impress, the
presentation software, doesn't tend to play nice with PowerPoint.  Basic
presentations are fine, but as soon as sound and graphics are involved the
incompatibility grows exponentially (in my experience).


On 3/13/2014 23:40, Jay Lozier wrote:

LO can generate files that are MSO compatible. Occasionally, there are
problems with MSO files with a complex structure. Also, MSO 2013 will read
the ODF files version 1.2 which is the current ODF standard. LO uses ODF as
its default format.

Do you have a specific requirements that you want addressed?

The major compatibility issue is LO does not use the same macro language
as MSO (Visual Basic for Applications - VBA).


On 03/13/2014 08:50 PM, Hamida Begum wrote:

 is the program compatible with microsoft office?

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