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Thanks, Brian. I finally got a chance to look at this, and it appears it was, in fact, formatted to text (though I can't figure out how that would have happened b/c I didn't do anything before setting up the formula). When I set it to General, it worked. I appreciate your help!


On 3/7/14 3:11 AM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 18:27 06/03/2014 -0500, Carl Paulsen wrote:
I have a spreadsheet that won't calculate a vlookup. The formula displays as the formula, not the result.

I can think of two possibilities:

o You have Calc configured to display formulae, not results. Go to Tools | Options... | LibreOffice Calc | View | Display. Is Formulas ticked? Remove the tick.

o The cell into which you typed the formula was formatted as Text before you did so. So what you have is a text string which happens to look like a formula, not a formula. After you have changed the formatting, you will need to retype or re-paste an entry and then fill it down the column again to correct this.

What's more, the relative reference to A2, which should change as the location of the lookup changes, doesn't change, so it always references A2.

That suggests the second possibility.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker


Carl Paulsen

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