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Yep, I see this on Linux as well. Nice little bug. You will notice that it fails to compile.
Here is one hack / work around

dStart.year = oevent.source.context.getcontrol("test1").getdate().year = oevent.source.context.getcontrol("test1").getdate().day
dStart.month = oevent.source.context.getcontrol("test1").getdate().month

That said:

Are you just using a whole mess of global variables? For example:

ss = date

Later, you have this:

oevent.source.context.getcontrol("test1").date = cdatetounodate(date)

Now, the problem seems to be related to this not previously defined variable "date". If you remove that, then your original macros works without any other change. So, can you change your variable name from date to something else?

On 02/27/2014 04:57 PM, Fernand Vanrie wrote:
Since 4.1 the Date property from a "" returns no longer a "Isodate" but a "Unodate".
Since its stay like that in 4.2 is started to correct all or BASIC 
code who uses a "".
But i runed by accident in a  bug where as soon we have a "ss = Date" 
(who normaly returns today date as  a string) the Date property of a 
"" is corrupted with a BASIC 
syntax error.
"Symbol date already defined differently"
 as soon i left out the "ss = Date" the error disappeared
The error is not in 4.0
4.1 ?
The error is there in 4.2 under Windows all versions.

To reproduce the bug run the code below, who opens a dialog. The dialog has a Datecontrol who can been filed with todays date using a listener on the button.
Run the code and you run in the error
cancel the first row ("ss = date" ) to run without error

sub testDateError
  ss = date

oDialogModel = createUnoService( "" )
   oDialogModel.PositionX = 10
   oDialogModel.PositionY = 10
   oDialogModel.Width = 100
   oDialogModel.Height = 100
   oDialogModel.Title = "test datecontrol"
oDialogControl = createUnoService( "" )
   oDialogControl.setModel( oDialogModel )
   odialogModel = odialogcontrol.model
oDateModel = oDialogModel.createInstance( "" )
   oDateModel.PositionX = 20
   oDateModel.PositionY = 20
   oDateModel.Width = 40
   oDateModel.Height = 14
   oDateModel.dropdown = true
   oDateModel.Name = "test1"
   oDateModel.TabIndex = nNumControls
   oDialogModel.insertByName( "test1", oDateModel )
   oDateControl = oDialogControl.getControl( "test1" )
   odialogModel = odialogcontrol.model
oButtonModel = oDialogModel.createInstance( "" )
   oButtonModel.PositionX = 40
   oButtonModel.PositionY = 70
   oButtonModel.Width = 60
   oButtonModel.Height = 14
   oButtonModel.Name = "pressbuton"
   oButtonModel.Label = "press to fill with date"
   oDialogModel.insertByName( "pressbuton", oButtonModel )
   oButtonControl = oDialogControl.getControl( "pressbuton" )
oActionListener = CreateUnoListener("pressbuton" + "_", "" )
   oButtonControl.addActionListener( oActionListener )

end sub
sub pressbuton_actionPerformed( oEvent As )

 oevent.source.context.getcontrol("test1").date = cdatetounodate(date)
dim dStart as New
dStart.year = oevent.source.context.getcontrol("test1").date.year = oevent.source.context.getcontrol("test1")
dStart.month = oevent.source.context.getcontrol("test1").date.month
end sub

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Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document:

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