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Hi :)
This is a good place to ask such questions.  There are often people
here who can help with macros so hopefully they might help with that

For the macros part all i can do is point to some documentation;
The "Getting Started" guide, chapter 13 in
Also Andrew Pitonyak's excellent book about macros

For posting bug-reports this wiki-guide might be useful
Generally i think it's good to post even before you can supply ALL the
information requested.  Such information can be added later.  The
QA/bug-squad team can help you figure out how to get anything they
need and this mailing list might also be able to help with some of
that.  Our bug-reporting system is a lot like an emailing system in
that you can add comments and replies.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 23 February 2014 20:38, toodr <> wrote:
The machine here is running Linux 3.10.17, Slackware 14.1, fairly up to date,
KDE  4.12.2, LibreOffice_4.2.1.1_Linux_x86-64, downloaded from the official
LibreOffice site - no changes whatsoever.

I have one simple .ods file, that has 2 sheets - Sheet1 and Sheet2.
Sheet1 has a very long (~5000) list of rows (5 colums wide) . It is opened
in one calc window.
Sheet2 is almost emty - 3 rows, containing the column headers only. And is
opened in another calc window.

In a macro, I pick up a row from Sheet1 and copy/paste it in Sheet2 in the
first empty row.
And  in order to see the last 3 pasted rows in Sheet2(Second Window) the
macro has a command:

oFrame.Controller.setFirstVisibleRow(numrow), Where numrow is about 3 rows
up from where I pasted the last row.

This command acts on the Second open window and it's controller, containing
Up untill version 4.1.4 of LibreOffice this worked flawlessly.
Now in version the Frame Controller scrambles the Second window and
shows arbitrary rows in Sheet2, sometimes each row twice + emty rows in
between them, or even part of the desktop behind the window, which has
nothing to do with the document model. The copy/paste operation is always
correct, but the window frame does not update correctly. It looks like
arbitrary graphical artefacts.

There is a way to restore the view in the second window, to show the correct
view corresponding to the document model - and this is by moving a little
the vertical scroll slider. Then everything is normal again , untill the
next oFrame.Controller.setFirstVisibleRow(numrow) command.

Has anyone met such behaviour?
And another question - how can I send to the second frame (window) a command
via the dispath DispatchHelper,
to move it's vertical scroll slider by 1 or more units - up or down, doesn't
I could not find a proper dispatch helper URL parameter for the scrollbar -
there is one called "ScrollBar", but I couldn't find an explanation what it
does, or wether it accepts argument , and if yes - what are they.

I don't know how to file a bug report too, if this is a bug...
So, I beg for an excuse posting here , if this is not the place ...


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