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Hi :)
Good point!  So you can keep the 400-point font size as long as you
don't click back in.  That means you can probably print it and do
various things but it is limiting.  For example if you save it then
open again doe the saved version retain the 400 point?

My font size does not readjust after i clcik back in so i can't test
the parameters of this but it seems like a bug to me.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 22 February 2014 11:29, Brad Rogers <> wrote:
On Sat, 22 Feb 2014 09:57:18 +0000
Tom Davies <> wrote:

Hello Tom,

It's interesting to hear that other people don't seem to be having a
problem with a directly typed-in value for font size but i'm wondering
if they clicked into the document again afterwards.  I'm wondering if
your or my machine has a wonky UserProfile or if it's something else.
It shouldn't need be necessary to click back into the doc(1).  Here, I
typed 400 in the font size box, then hit <return>.  *Nothing* visibly
changed in the document.  Note, by nothing I mean just that; not even
the cursor changed size.  Then I typed a character, and lo-and-behold,
it was in 400 point, as was the cursor.

(1) In fact it's only when I clicked back in to the doc that I got the
resetting font issue.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
I'll be the paint on the side if you'll be the tin
Love Song - The Damned

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