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Years ago I frequently had the same problem. My first spreadsheet (1987) was a shareware product called ExpressCalc. It had a very convenient function called NOPRINT. If I put that function (or a formula that evaluated to that function) in any cell on a particular row, that row would be skipped when I printed the spreadsheet.

This function was very handy whenever I wanted to build a re-usable table that might allow for 100 rows of data entry & related calculations, but in which not all rows are likely to be filled every time. For instance, I might have an invoice sheet listing 30 different possible items, but I only want the 5 that happen to have quantities filled in to actually show up on the printout.

When I upgraded to Excel (1995), I chose Excel because (with help from their tech support) I could do much the same thing using a couple of macros.

I've recently opened a feature request ( in hopes that the folks with the programming skills would notice and add similar functions to LibreOffice. If you think such a feature would be helpful to you, please go to that bug and say so.

And Brian, I'd be interested in knowing that hint you gave Muriel.


-- Tim
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I know the plans I have for you:
Plans to prosper you and not to harm you;
Plans to give you hope and a future.
               --- God (Jeremiah 29:11)

On 1/20/2014 12:11 AM, Muriel Parker wrote:
Thank you, all.  I have figured a roundabout way to accomplish this, after
a hint from Brian Barker.


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