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According to an AskLO thread, you cannot use a different language help pack for a LibreOffice installation. It reads in part, "The help pack installed must agree with the language of user interface."
There are some workarounds, but none of them seem viable:
1. If you can. use the online help.
2. Install LibreOffice in English with a parallel install ( 3. Save the online help ti your computer with a website copier such as HTTrack ( There is no direct way to access the help (that I know of) without having to do it from LibreOffice. The workarounds above just don't seem viable, but if you do need the LibreOffice help offline, you can try the workarounds.
I hope this helps!


On 2/8/2014 4:48 PM, Cristian Baboi wrote:

I've installed LibreOffice with the english help pack because it is not available for my language. Is there a way to activate offline english help without changing the language of the interface? The interface is translated.


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