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This instability of HSQL is worrying when using the same database year after year, e.g. an address or a bibliographic database.

For my part, all my data remain in separate external tables in dbf format, linked to Base.

Reasons are:
- compatibility with many programmes and readability of old archives, even in case of change of database program ;
- stability in the long run;
- format compatible with GIS software;
- when the tables are not merged in one file, the loss is limited when one of the tables gets corrupted.

The main drawback is the impossibility to make a relational database.

In fact, the good integration of the office suite with a database was one of the main reason's why I began to use OO in 2007 or 2008.

To my great satisfaction indeed: it works very well, except for two instances, several years ago, where the dbf file got corrupted (luckily, recovery from backups was easy). Since then it works fine without any failure (except, rarely, for some data in memo fields, which can lose the right connection with other data (dbt file connection to dbf file)).

Nevertheless, the impossibility of making relations between tables is rather frustrating. One solution is to migrate to a mySQL/Base or preferably Postgresql (because of PostGIS). It's my intention but I fear to waste a lot of time in migrating.

What is the best combination for a single user, relational database, stable in the long run, using Base as the front end?

Paul Lens
Le 7/02/2014 15:07, Ian Whitfield a écrit :
Sorry All

I'm running PClinuxOS (latest) and LO and MySQL 5.1.55

A MySQL 'expert' was telling me recently that HSQL is only meant to be a prototyping utility and should *NEVER* be used for any "proper" work - - interesting!!??

I can confirm that when it crashes it takes everything with it so you have to backup every time you make change. This is what forced me to MySQL.

Thanks again

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