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Hi :)
For colours i have been using Gimp's external colour-picker.  (click
on the foreground or background colour blocks in the appropriate
vertical toolbar and the pop-up dialogue-box has a stubby pipette).
That gives me the html, rgb or cmyk colour-code for whichever program
i need to use that same colour in.

MS Office makes it easier.  Just select an area of text in the colour
you want to figure out and click on the colour selector.  The
appropriate colour is highlighted.  (but it doesn't give the html, rgb
or cmyk values and only works for the standard colours and not ones
from their colour-circle or elsewhere)

Oddly it's not difficult to copy&paste from MS Office to LibreOffice
without losing or changing the colour of the text!

Anyway, Tim's recent work means i can miss out the step of using MS
Office so it's all a LOT easier for me now! :)  Thanks Tim! :))

Regards from
Tom :)

On 20 January 2014 10:46, Milos Sramek <> wrote:
some time ago Kracked_P_P--webmaster has asked about possibilities, how to
add more colors to LO. While there should be possibilities, how to do that,
my problem is quite opposite.

For me, there are too many colors to choose from. I am lost in the (for me
too large) table of colors. For example, I do not know how to choose a
color, which is the same as some text elsewhere. It is even not possible to
compare the colors visually (color perception depends on neighborhood). So I
have to try several times to hit the right one.

I even filed a bug on this back in the OOO times. Nothing has happened, so I
found my way how to choose colors. However, in LO42 there is a new color
table. A nice one, with sorted colors. For me it is completely useless.

I thing that common users like me need something very simple: a list of
colors used in the document, the last (used or picked) color, and a "more"

A similar situation is with line thickness - we can specify any thickness in
mm (or inces or whatever). I would prefer just a few steps between very thin
and very thick plus user specified value. I've file a bug about this
(, with dialog
mockup to LO.

What do you think about this? - perhaps I am the only one who has this


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