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I'm using LO on a Mac running 10.6.8

My son was working on a Writer doc for school, had made some big changes without saving, then the laptop ran out of juice and crashed. Autosave was set to 15 minutes but the majority of his changes had been made well over 15 minutes before the crash.
When we rebooted I assured him his changes would be saved, but upon 
opening and "recovering" the files, we were back where we started as if 
it hadn't saved since we'd opened the file (it had been created the day 
before).  That was probably 45 minutes to an hour of work. He learned an 
important lesson but...
Can anyone hazard a guess at why LO would have failed to autosave? It's 
never failed to autosave before, and autosave has saved my keester on 
several occasions.  But now I'm wondering if it's entirely reliable (not 
that autosave excuses me from manually saving my documents).

Carl Paulsen

8 Hamilton Street

Dover, NH 03820

(603) 749-2310

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