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On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 09:51:19 AM -0500, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
On 12/17/2013 05:50 AM, Alex Thurgood wrote:

An older Live-CD or Live-DVD Linux distrib would probably do the

Maybe try, or
Answering both to Alex and "webmaster":

I already knew that download archive. The same link is explicitly
mentioned in my original email to the list. The first reasons why I
took from there a "Windows portable" version instead of a "native"
linux one are already explained in my post:

In addition to that, using old live distros has two problems:

1) you must interrupt your other activities until the whole conversion
   is over, or do other avoidable work (reboot, set up virtual
   machines with access to the partitions where the files are...)

2) in general, old live cds have the SAME problem, or risk, of old
   binary releases for Linux, just at a different level: they may need
   manual tweaking and study of their configuration options to boot on
   newer computers


M. Fioretti         

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