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(2013/12/08 21:31), julien2412 wrote:

You should give a try to a newer LO version (last one is 4.1.3).
Even if there's a bug in 3.6 (which one precisely), 2 possibilites:
1) perhaps it's already fixed in a newer version
2) if not, there won't be any  new official TDF LO 3.6 version anyway

You must know that including a lot of images in a document give some
problems to LO. There are already some bugs about this.
However, if the problem is still there on 4.1.3, it would be interesting you
submit a bug here: and attach the file so QA team can
try to reproduce the problem.


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Thank you.
Well, I once tried a new version, but did not like the "improvements" and therefore deliberately went back to 3.6.

Although I did not yet have the time to "dissect" the file(s) in an attempt to locate any possible problem,
I DID find this.

Open the (any) LO Writer file in OO.
Apply any form of change, e.g., add a space then delete it again.
Save with OO in ODF format.

After that the error in LO seems to disappear.

Does THIS make any sense to anybody?

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