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True; how did you know libertine g is a font with true small caps? Is
there a list of such fonts somewhere?
I discovered Libertine G during one of my obsessive Google searches for 
typefaces with expert typographic features. (In fact, that's how I 
discovered LaTeX. It was all because I wanted to use old style numbering.)
Libertine G was designed for use with the Graphite engine. There's a 
Typography Toolbar extension for LO/AOO/OOo that makes the font's features 
available from a GUI. I would note that with Libertine G, you can type in 
ALL UPPERCASE, and then convert it to small caps later.
Here are links to the font, toolbar, and explanation for making it all work.

**Note, that there is also a Libertine O variety of the font that does not have all the cool features. You have to make sure you get the "G" version of the Libertine fonts."
While I'm obsessed with typography, I'm no expert. I consider Libertine to 
be a better version of Times. It seems to have the same general design, but 
its letters aren't nearly as condensed, which is the biggest criticism of 
Times. As Bringhurst says in "The Elements of Typographic Style," it's 
better to use a font like Times and use it well, with expert effects, than 
to use a wonderfully designed font and use it badly.

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