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Hmm, we're still having problems even after updating. LO generates
XHTML, but unfortunately the file it generates both:

- causes parsing errors in Firefox AND
- fails to validate at

So it's neither fish nor fowl. It doesn't generate HTML that is usable
in real-life browsers, but neither does it generate 'clean' HTML so I
can point at the browser and say 'bad boy'.

The problem is still with the links for the TOC. The TOC entry looks
like this:

<p class="P20"><a href="./#__RefHeading__1328_444093600"
class="Index_20_Link">1. Overview.</a></p>

which is fine. But at the destination they look like this:

<h1 class="P25"><a id="a__1__Overview_"><span/></a><a
name="__RefHeading__1328_444093600"/>1. Overview.</h1>

Which is problematic because Firefox objects to the empty span. It
objects to self-closing syntax on a non-void HTML element, so treats it
as opening a span and then ignores the following </a> tag because that
now violates nesting. The rest of the document is consequently displayed
as a big mess.

AIUI, <span /> is actually valid XHTML but well-known to be problematic
in browsers, so is not wise to generate.

Now I can fix it up by post-processing the output but that's pretty
hacky and I'd rather LO generated something sensible. How does LO
generate the XHTML?

The validation failures are three:
- use of name attribute on a element
- one of the headings contains quote marks. LO tries to use it in an id
- there's an icon in the document that gets repeated twice with the same
id attribute value

Cheers, Dave

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