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Forgot to include the list on my answer

Begin forwarded message:

From: Oogie McGuire <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] CALC convert text to numbers
Date: November 18, 2013 10:23:07 AM MST
To: Tom Davies <>

It's been over 13 years ago, At that time I believe it was just send feedback. I don't really 
remember. I do know that I kept a log of the things I asked for over the years as it was part of 
my job to request additions/modifications from vendors of our basic tools. I also know that over 
time Microsoft corrected /added a number of those requests to later versions. I have no clue 
whether it was any specific user request or we just happened to request things MS planned to do 

On Nov 18, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Tom Davies <> wrote:

Where do you post to? 

Eugenie (Oogie) McGuire 
Desert Weyr  
Paonia, CO USA

Eugenie (Oogie) McGuire 
Desert Weyr  
Paonia, CO USA

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