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Le 17/11/2013 22:20, James E Lang a écrit :

Hi James,

I want to construct a database that will permit me to use eMail to send him a PDF file for a day's 
delivery list including instructions for driving the route. On a bad day I must be able to quickly 
apply as many as ~25 of these subscriber changes to the database:

The updates will be the most problematic, unless you are familiar with SQL - Lo doesn't have an "update" function button like you might find in MS Access, for example. For this, you would probably have to write a macro attached to a button on a data entry form. Having said that, if the updates are different for each customer, having a single update function wouldn't be of much use to you anyway.

• new subscription starts
• old subscription stops and restarts
• add/alter special delivery directives

All possible with Base forms (which are ultimately only Writer documents with form controls in them bound to the database).

I also need the ability later to resequence one or more subscriptions relative to the detailed 
driving instructions and to alter those driving instructions.

Not quite sure what you mean by "resequence" - do you mean the order in which the delivery takes place ?

Integrating driving instructions into the mix would seem to add a level of complexity here. How would you hope to achieve this ? There is no magical route recalculation logic in Base, so either you would have to use set instructions from a fixed starting point, or find some way to integrate dynamically obtained coordinates and redirections (from a GPS tracker ?), e.g. using macros or some other supported scripting language. No doubt this would be possible, given time and development (and money if the development is paid for), but is it worth it ?


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