On 10/03/2013 09:17 AM, Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:
On 03/10/13 08:48, Ian Whitfield wrote:
Hi All
This past week I was given a small job to do to produce some 40-odd
individual labels.
I remembered that Writer has a Label Function so decided to use that.
The labels were 10 to aa A4 page in two columns (Unknown type - local
manufacturer) so I decided to use "user" to set-up the spacing.
No matter what I tried the Label Box will *NOT* accept any label size -
whatever I enter in there it changes back to 0.10cm every time!! (I also
feel the box labels could be made very much more intuitive!! - ie
"Horizontal Pitch" could be "Label Spacing" etc.
I'm using PCLinuxOS 2013-08 and I tried with an old LO ver 3 and my ver
4.12 - same result.
Has anybody noticed this or know of a work-round??
Yes! Using frames for label production has been a thorn in my hide for
years now and yet it is so easy to create a table-based template -
I've created dozens. Maybe you should do the same? It's a certainty
that Scribus is overkill. :-)
Peter HB
Last time I printed labels using LO, I just used a .doc label template
from Avery for the label sheets I used.
That can be a pain for some people, but it works the best for me.
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: replace normal font with superscript (continued)
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