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At 17:50 02/10/2013 +0900, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
I had a piece of text (txt file), which contained a lot of things like "m2" (square meter). Working in Writer I tried to do a "find and replace" and turn the "2" into superscript. But I could not figure out how that works. I ALWAYS got "m2" as superscript, even I selected only "2" and then format -> superscript.
What is the trick required to turn "2" into superscript? But ONLY in 
"m2" and not all "2", since there were lots of other numbers too.
Oh, and here's another thought.  Most fonts will have separate 
characters for superscripted "2" and "3" (Unicode 00B2 and 00B3), and 
you could easily insert those instead using Find & Replace.
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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