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Hi :)
Yes :)  but you weren't wrong with Hindi either.

Mostly they are very similar to what we use in Europe today although we changed them quite a bit 
when they first arrived in Europe.  If you rotate the ٢ and ٣ by 90degress anti-clockwise then that 
gives 2 and 3.  1 and 9 are the same as we use in Europe.  Their 5 became our 0.  6 is kinda 
upside-down(ish).  7 is rotated but points down.  8 points up.  I'm not sure how the numbers were 
actually morphed through history but it's easy to see simple relationships between the way they are 
now and how they started.  

Before pinching their numbers the Europeans needed degree-level maths to do simple sums using Roman 
numerals.  People who had put in years of study in order to do the simple sums objected quite 
vigorously, especially to the introduction of the 0.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

From: Lucia Maarinen <>
To: Andrew Brown <>; Sina Momken <>; Steve Edmonds 
<>; Kracked_P_P---webmaster <> 
Sent: Sunday, 11 August 2013, 13:53
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Numbers displaying in different script!


My locale setting is LC_ALL = en_US.UTF-8 (US English UTF-8). As regards to Kracked's questions:

LibreOffice Version on Linux Mint 15 Olivia. 

Also, I figured out that the numerals in that image (٣, ٢, ١) are actually Arabic numerals and not 


----- Original Message -----
From: Andrew Brown
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Numbers displaying in different script!

Hi Sina

If you look at the screenshot Lucia has posted, she does not have 
anything ticked in Enhanced language support. I believe, like Steve 
covered in his post, it is coming from her regional settings of the O/S, 
such as locale, language etc. This dominates, so any apps on top of the 
O/S will obey the O/S setting.


Andrew Brown

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