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Hi :)
Personally i am glad to hear the the 2 communities do still work together from time to time and 
that some people help in both projects.  It feels much better that way rather than feeling like 
it's us against them when we are all really aiming for much the same thing and that is Freedom OF 

Both project offer slightly different things so it makes more sense to work together.  "Together we 
stand. Divided we .." err well in this case we still do well but it's better with 2 of us than just 
Regards from 
Tom :)  

From: Brian Barker <>
Cc: Timo Kivelä <> 
Sent: Friday, 2 August 2013, 16:33
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Fwd: Tavutus [= Hyphenation]

At 16:25 02/08/2013 +0100, Brian Barker wrote:
From: Timo Kivelä <> (not subscribed)

Latasin OpenOffice version 4. Writer ei osaa t[a]vuttaa.
Aaargh!  This message was originally sent to the 
Apache OpenOffice Users list.  I forwarded the 
translation to this LibreOffice Users list by mistake.

Many apologies.

Brian Barker

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