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On 26 July 2013 03:30, Brian Barker <> wrote:

At 16:49 25/07/2013 +0100, Thom Brown wrote:

I have a Writer template (OTT) that I wish colleagues to use, but I would
like the first couple pages to contain instructions on how to use the
template.  Naturally I wouldn't want these to be printed or exported to a
PDF.  Is there any way to mark pages as unprintable/non-exportable in a
template so that I don't have to include an instruction to users to delete
those 2 pages before exporting?  I don't want to mark just the text as
non-printable as this will still occupy space, and I also have a header and
footer that would be produced on those 2 pages anyway.

I don't know any simple way to do this.  You are basically scuppered, I
think, by the WYSIWYG principle: anything you don't want printed won't
display - at least by default - and it's assumed that you will want
anything that does display to be printed.

The best I can suggest is to mark the text as hidden (which you can do in
various ways).  Then you have to tell the users to tick the option at Tools
| Options... | LibreOffice Writer | Formatting Aids | Display of | Hidden
text, and also to switch on the display of non-printing characters.  The
option at Tools | Options... | LibreOffice Writer | Print | Contents |
Hidden text needs to be unticked, but that should be so by default.

I don't think headers and footers on the corresponding pages are any
problem: if the text of the pages is not printed, then there will be no
pages for the headers and footers to appear on and they will be suppressed
too.  Page Preview will correctly show the material to be printed - and
yes: this works equally for exporting to PDF.

I trust this helps.

Thanks for the suggestion guys, but unfortunately this requires telling
users to go enabling certain features, and I'd rather just have pages that
are immediately apparent in the template, but don't get exported/printed.

I think it's a missing feature I should probably request.

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