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Hi :)
This guide might help
Regards from 

Tom :)  

From: Jay Lozier <>
Sent: Sunday, 21 July 2013, 22:09
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: csv files not displaying properly

<snip />

Mine say standard.  I just remembered that I loaned my laptop to my  
daughter and it is setup the same as my desktop that I am having trouble  
with.  Had her bring it over and I tried the problem file on it and it  
worked just fine, so something is wrong with my setup.  I opened  
tools-->options on both machines and compared them line by line they  
were almost exactly the same. I couldn't see how the minor differences  
would make any difference but I changed mine to match the laptop but it  
still doesn't work correctly.  I guess after a bit if no one else has  
any ideas I will reinstall or go the ppa route.

Thanks,  Jim


Rename the hidden LO user folder to something like user-old, it is the  
home directory either under .libreoffice or .conf folders. When you start  
LO after the rename the default folder is recreated. You then move any  
templates, etc. back to the user folder. This is common methood to avoid a  
full reinstall.

Jay Lozier

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